1. Excessive smoke in your vehicle
Excessive smoke issues are often due to a build-up of engine sludge. Sludge causes oil to fail to correctly lubricate the moving parts in a motor. Some of the main causes of are insufficient servicing, either too long between servicing periods or not changing oil properly. The use of low-quality engine oil or oils that are not appropriate for your motor can also be to blame.
Sludge can affect any vehicle’s engine and can cause extensive engine damage. High-end prestige vehicles are also not immune to engine sludge. Destroying your engine with sludge is costly and engines of these kinds can cost you about $9000 to replace. Not only does it pose a risk to the environment, often many cars get destroyed when they could be given a new lease on life.
BG Dynamic Engine Cleaner that removes hard to remove engine oil deposits.
2. Excessive oil usage
You may find that your engine is consuming oil at a faster or higher rate than normal. Sometimes this is due to engine wear, but it could also indicate a deeper issue with your vehicle.
- Sludge can cause oil to be used up at a higher rate.
- Today we have lower oil viscosity blends, which have greater oil volume loss than the ones from years gone by. These oils allow emissions to enter the PCV system that causes sticky deposits to form.
- Newer engines are designed with Low Tension Piston Rings. This reduction in piston drag allows for engines to rotate with ease. However, this allows large volumes of compression to escape that carries oil droplets to the intake and the combustion chamber to burn.
Unfortunately, by the time that excessive oil consumption is determined, not much can be done to reverse the issue.
3. Vehicle lacking power
This issue is felt most when accelerating in your vehicle. Engines are working harder than they were before and so they’re operating at higher temperatures.
Continuous thermal and oxidative breakdown can contribute to oil thickening, heat retention and can form deposits. The deposits can cause many issues including, inhibiting normal piston functioning which lessens fuel economy and lowers power output.
This is not good for your car as it can expel harmful exhaust emissions and increase oil consumption.
BG Products are underpinned by technology, research, and development
Some additives are referred to as ‘snake oil’, but BG products has science that backs up what their products offer. Technology and quality have been at the forefront of developing BG Products. They have been continuously developing through R&D and testing all new products and services to ensure that they are efficient and that their products do not affect motors.
Some of their products to combat the common car issues above include their BG EPR Engine Performance Restoration, the BG Dynamic Engine Cleaner, the BG44K, and BG Advanced Formula MOA.
EPR Engine Performance Restoration works to soften and dissolve any deposits from your engine’s piston rings.
Car Servicing and You is here for You
It is important for us to identify the right solution for your vehicle to ensure that your engine is not detrimentally affected.
Car Servicing and You has the same values as BG products: to extend the life of your internal combustion engine and keep your vehicle safely on the road.
BG is so sure of their success that they offer a free lifetime protection coverage of up to $4000 AUD when you use their products when servicing. BG Products invests a great deal of time, research, and testing to validate the effectiveness and safety of their products. It is this reason why they remain so successful and why they are market leaders in the automotive industry.
Call us today if you would like us to diagnose your engine problems and recommend the best products for you.